Boliyev Anvar Begimovich 1979-yil 16-iyulda Samarqand viloyati Ishtixon tumanida tug‘ilgan. Maʼlumoti - oliy, 2006-yil Samarqand davlat universiteti, 2020-yil O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi davlat boshqaruvi akademiyasini tamomlagan.
2002-2002 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand shahar bo‘linma sug‘urta agenti
2002-2003 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand shahar bo‘linma EXM operatori
2003-2003 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand shahar bo‘linma sug‘urta agenti
2003-2005 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi xo‘jalik ishlari bo‘yicha ish yurituvchisi
2005-2006 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi Umumiy sug‘urta bulimi yetakchi anderrayteri
2006-2010 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi “Maroqand” sug‘urta agentlik sho‘ba korhonasi boshqaruvchi menejeri
2010-2013 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi (ochiq aksiyadorlik jamiyati) Samarqand shahar bo‘linmasi boshqaruvchi menejeri
2013-2014 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi (ochiq aksiyadorlik jamiyati ) Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi direktor o‘rinbosari Umumiy sug‘urta bo‘limi menejeri
2014-2015 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi (aksiyadorlik jamiyati ) Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi direktor o‘rinbosari Umumiy sug‘urta bo‘limi menejeri
2015-2017 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” aksiyadorlik jamiyati Samarqand viloyat filiali boshqaruvchisi o‘rinbosari - Umumiy sug‘urta bo‘limi menejeri
2017-2022 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” aksiyadorlik jamiyati Samarqand viloyat filiali boshqaruvchisi
2022 y - h.v. - Narpay tuman hokimining moliya-iqtisodiyot va kambag‘allikni qisqartirish masalalari bo‘yicha birinchi o‘rinbosari
On the functional duties of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction, as well as the most important indicators of efficiency in his activities
I. General rules
1. In accordance with the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on local state government”, documents of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as other regulatory legal acts, the first deputy of the district governor for financial and economic and poverty reduction issues - the head of the Department of economic development and poverty reduction of the district (at the next – the first deputy of the district governor)determines the most important indicators of efficiency in his duties, functions, rights, personal responsibility, authority and responsibility and activities.
2. In its activities, the first deputy governor of the district is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, documents of the president and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the regional governor, decisions and orders of the district governor, as well as by this charter.
3. The first deputy governor of the district is personally responsible to the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and accountable to the relevant council of people's deputies for the effectiveness and consequentiality of its activities in the industries and industries attached to him, the organization of the full and high-quality implementation of the documents and tasks of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and
4. The first deputy district governor is subordinate to the district governor.
The deputy governor of the district is coordinated by the corresponding Deputy Governor of the region, whose activities in solving the tasks related to the development of territories in the network and areas attached to him.
5. The effectiveness of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district is assessed on the basis of the most important performance indicators in accordance with the appendix to this regulation.
6. The first deputy mayor of the district cannot engage in any other type of activity paid in addition to scientific and pedagogical activity.
II. The main tasks and functions of the first deputy mayor of the district
7. The following are the main functions of the first deputy mayor of the district:
- ensuring the complex economic and social development of Regions;
- development of family entrepreneurship in the regions;
- ensure that the territory achieves the established basic macroeconomic indicators;
- coordination of the work of relevant ministries, departments and district branches of commercial banks on economic and entrepreneurial issues;
-ensuring strict adherence to tax-budget policies, strengthening the income base of local budgets, taking measures to reduce the “khufiyona economy;
- assistance to privatized enterprises, ensuring the effective use of vacant and unfinished facilities in the territory;
- development of measures for the rational placement of production and labor resources;
- development of small business and private entrepreneurship;
- collection of receipts to the Republican budget from the beginning of the Year, collection of receipts to the local budget;
- transfer of funds to the initiative budget fund;
- allocation of funds to the youth notebook;
- Allocation of funds for the purposes specified in the "women's notebook";
- employment of unemployed residents;
- increase the effectiveness of the activities of deputy governors;
-Work and maintain with the unified electronic system” e-decision", electronic systems for obtaining a government subsidy on a mortgage loan;
- increase the standard and quality of life of the population and strengthen their solvency.
8. The first deputy mayor of the district carries out the following functions in order to carry out the tasks assigned to him:
a) in the field of ensuring the complex economic and social development of Regions:
In accordance with the most important priorities of the economic, social and entrepreneurial sphere, established in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the documents of the president and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, organizes and ensures the preparation of concepts, projects of state programs, programs for the complex development of the territory and “road maps;
it takes measures to ensure the implementation of targeted programs developed and approved on a Republican scale;
deepening economic reforms ensures the development and unconditional implementation of the territory's economy and social sphere in a way that is inextricably linked with the parameters of the local budget, identifying the financial resources of the programs of comprehensive development;
to ensure the socio-economic development of the territory, the relevant ministry develops specific indicators and target indicators of the activities of the district branches of the office and commercial banks, evaluates the results and takes measures to improve them, and coordinates and monitors the activities of its leaders;
by ensuring sustainable economic growth rates, improving the entrepreneurial environment, the country will introduce a system of implementation of acceptable policies on poverty reduction;
it takes measures to carry out the modernization, structural modification and diversification of production for the production of competitive products;
studies and analyzes manufactured products, price conjuncture, develops and implements complex measures to master new types of products and ensure that they are sold in new markets;
b) in the field of development of family entrepreneurship in the regions:
carries out complex activities for the development of family entrepreneurship in the territory;
identify “growth points”(areas of specialization) of neighborhoods and assist initiators in the implementation of new entrepreneurship, including drive projects, thereby ensuring economic growth;
” household " studies the sources of income of families, including the use of land and the aspirations and needs of profitable labor;
by studying the problems of the unoccupied population, especially unemployed young people and women, they are guided by vocational and entrepreneurial training courses and practical assistance in dealing with labor activities;
assistance in the allocation of loans aimed at further supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, startup projects and ideas of young people;
measures to improve the entrepreneurial, investment and competitive environment in places through the study and effective use of existing opportunities (vacant buildings, unused land areas, noruda minerals and traditional areas of employment) ;
based on the principles of efficiency and profitability of banks, it carries out comprehensive measures to improve the system of customer-oriented service (“customer service” work) by providing quality services to entrepreneurs, advising and completely retraining the employees of the lower branch of the bank for the preparation of business plans;
quickly solve problems that are becoming an obstacle to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in places (allowing for construction, obtaining licenses for various activities, separating empty premises and land areas for entrepreneurship, connecting to communication systems) ;
coordinates the activities of management offices and Permanent Representatives, which are organized under the leadership of sector leaders under each sector in order to improve the entrepreneurial, investment and competitive environment in the neighborhoods and implement “driver” projects;
C) in the field of ensuring that Territories achieve the specified basic macroeconomic indicators:
ensures the development of macroeconomic indicators of the territory, including gross regional product, industry, investment, service, retail turnover, export, inflation, employment, based on the annual forecast parameters of the local budget; organizes the effective implementation of the developed macroeconomic indicators;
the debtor-creditor carries out systematic work to prevent the occurrence of debts, introduces effective ways to eliminate debt;
g) in the field of coordination of work activities of relevant ministries, departments and district branches of commercial banks on economic and entrepreneurial issues:
constantly monitors and analyzes the activities of district branches of relevant ministries, departments and commercial banks, determines the appropriate measures to improve the effectiveness of their activities and takes measures to ensure their implementation;
it coordinates the implementation of measures to further reform the banking system and financial infrastructure, increase their stability in accordance with generally accepted international norms, standards and assessment indicators and ensure a higher level;
in order to actively involve the population in entrepreneurship, it takes measures to develop and unconditionally implement preferential lending programs by offering complex banking and financial services to each household in order to establish a systematic dialogue between them and the district branches of commercial banks;
it provides a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of software measures aimed at expanding the volumes, types and improving the quality of financial and insurance services;
d) to ensure strict adherence to tax-budgetary policies, to strengthen the income base of local budgets, to take measures to reduce the "foreign economy"
in the field of:
provides for the implementation of forecast indicators for the Republican budget and tax revenues set for the local budget by district;
measures to increase budget revenues by reducing the”foreign economy", legalizing citizens engaged in illegal entrepreneurship, as well as informal employment in the private sector;
the development of directions for increasing budget revenues, based on the natural-geographical, socio-economic characteristics of the territory, takes measures to look for sources of additional revenue to the budget;
organizes and coordinates the process of development and execution of the relevant budget project;
ensures that projects of the local budget of the district are submitted to the councils of people's deputies for consideration and adoption, respectively;
Revenues to the state budget and budgets of State target funds will fall completely and on time, forming control over the targeted expenditure of budget funds;
to the rates set by the individual taxes established by the legislation
prepares decisions and takes measures to make on the introduction of reducing and increasing coefficients, taking into account the features of the place of activity of the regions;
y) in the field of assistance to privatized enterprises, ensuring the effective use of vacant and unfinished facilities in the territory:
develops proposals for the implementation of investment projects on the condition of correspondence of vacant and unfinished objects in the territory, their effective use, obtaining investment and social obligations;
prepares proposals in the field of improving the efficiency of the management of privatization processes, monitoring the implementation of investment and social obligations adopted by investors, including foreign investors, and assisting privatized enterprises;
provides for the introduction of modern methods of corporate governance in enterprises with state participation in the territory, increasing the responsibility of their management bodies for the effectiveness of the activities of these enterprises;
together with foreign and international institutions and companies, the state ensures continuous work aimed at preparing enterprises for privatization, including the study and implementation of their effective mechanisms, which imply an increase in attractiveness and the quality of management;
coordinates the work of gradual reduction of the state share in the authorized capital of state-owned enterprises located on the territory, provides effective and transparent privatization;
j) in the field of development of measures for rational placement of production and labor resources:
the organization of new jobs in the territory, ensuring the development of a territorial program to increase employment, forms programs to further increase the level of quality and well-being of the population, and also takes measures to strengthen labor protection and employee labor rights protection systems;
coordinates the work of local executive authorities on the formation of territorial programs for ensuring employment of the population, aimed at introducing advanced forms of employment, taking into account demographic factors and prospects for the development of the economy, on the development of targeted programs and effective measures for social support of pensioners, disabled persons and other socially disadvantaged groups of the population;
targeted programs aimed at strengthening the system of social protection of employment, labor and population, improving the mechanisms of material incentives and legislation in the field of improving labor protection conditions, adopted laws, decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, control the implementation of decisions of the president and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
z) in the field of development and support of small business and private entrepreneurship:
develops and implements programs for the formation of a favorable business environment, the establishment of new enterprises, including small business and private entrepreneurial enterprises, the restoration of the activities of non-working enterprises;
it takes measures to protect the rights of small business and private business entities and to ensure guarantees of the freedom of their activities;
in order for small business and private business entities to conduct business, they establish measures to provide them with the appropriate resources, take their bank loans, connect to energy networks and other similar problems, and maintain constant control over their implementation;
measures to improve the system of Organization of retail and wholesale trade, the service sector, provide the population with consumer goods and services;
together with business entities on the basis of public-private partnerships, it takes measures to solve economic, social and infrastructural tasks;
organizes information and explanatory work among business entities by publishing materials on the effectiveness of measures taken to support entrepreneurship in the media;
i) in the field of improving the standard and quality of life of the population and strengthening their solvency:
provides for the consideration of Appeals of individuals and legal entities in the prescribed manner, determines the appropriate measures for the solution of the problems noted in them;
benefits, take measures to create sources of sustainable growth of real incomes of the population;
it will introduce a new mechanism and system for the timely implementation of payments due to the creation of modern banking and financial infrastructure;
it takes measures to improve their standard of living and quality by creating new jobs and solving the issues of employment of different segments of the population.
k) in the direction of digitization:
development and timely implementation of departmental digital transformation programs that provide for the widespread introduction of Information Systems and resources;
creating the necessary conditions for further expansion of the provision of electronic public services through mobile devices and other forms of electronic cooperation;
to ensure the openness and transparency of the activities of the agencies, to take measures to place open information and other information on the internet network;
the agency takes measures to ensure the information security of digital infrastructure, as well as the protection of electronic data and documents.
Also, the first deputy mayor of the district provides the following additional functions
The law of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for effective control over the implementation of the acts and assignments of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the government;
analyzes the effectiveness of the work carried out on the provision of reforms in the economic and entrepreneurial directions, provides a systematic basis for the preparation of analytical materials on their results and their discussion at the meetings of the authorities;
effective use of vacant and unfinished facilities in the territory, taking measures to gradually reduce the state share in the authorized capital of enterprises with state participation, with extensive investment in them;
for the effective and consequential performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the first deputy mayor of the district, he takes measures to increase their personal responsibility and responsibility, and evaluates their activities at the end of the year;
effectively leads the relevant commissions (councils, groups), organizes the activities of commissions (councils) and provides control over the implementation of their decisions;
performs other functions assigned to them in the prescribed manner.
III. Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction:
In his activities, the Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction told the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan”on local state power " and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the House of Assembly of Uzbekistan, decrees, decrees and orders of the, people's deputies follow the documents of the District Council and the district governor.
The Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction carries out his activities under the leadership of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction.
The Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction carries out the following functions in order to carry out the tasks assigned to him:
ensures strict adherence to state principles when considering projects of submitted proposals and documents, organizes their development in expert terms and prepared puts a visa on draft documents. Provides systematic control over their implementation after the adoption of relevant documents;
develops and enters into the approval of the draft half-year work plan of the division;
it works on its relevant areas, organizes the nomenclature of affairs, studies, summarizes and organizes the withdrawal of documents directed from higher organizations from the district authorities by industry, orders and applications and Complaints sent to the deputy;
Summarizing the critical opinions and opinions expressed in the field at the sessions of the District Council of people's deputies and meetings of district activists, the municipality prepares decisions, meeting statements and draft measures for inclusion in the meeting;
conducts monitoring of the implementation of the tasks set out in the decisions of the district governor, orders, meetings of the District Municipality and regularly provides information to the first deputy;
the district governor or his deputy attends meetings, including weekly apparatus meetings and meetings of commissions, other meetings held on matters within the field of proceedings;
the district organizes meetings led by the first deputy mayor.
IV. Rights and responsibility of the first deputy mayor of the district
9. The first deputy mayor of the district has the following rights to carry out the duties and functions assigned to him:
Organization of development, implementation of decisions, programs and “road maps”for the complex development of the territory in the field of economic, social and entrepreneurship;
development of macroeconomic indicators of the territory, including the annual forecast parameters of the local budget, constant analysis of its implementation, quick measures to solve existing problems;
continuous control and analysis of the activities of the district branches of relevant ministries, departments and commercial banks on economic and entrepreneurial issues;
to discuss the reports of ministries, departments and commercial banks on the effectiveness of the work carried out on the development of economic and social and entrepreneurship of the district, branches of the district;
Coordination of the activities of the relevant departments in the implementation of control over the full and timely fall of revenues to the state budget and budgets of State target funds, the targeted expenditure of budgetary funds;
to take the necessary measures to form a favorable business environment, protect the rights of small business and private business entities and ensure guarantees of freedom of their activities;
to establish and control the implementation of measures to provide small businesses and private business entities with the appropriate resources for their business, to obtain bank loans in the manner prescribed for their start-up, to connect to electricity networks and solve other similar problems.
10.The first deputy governor of the district is personally responsible for the appropriate and effective implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to them in paragraphs 8 and 9 of this regulation.
First Deputy District Governor of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Decree No. 6166 of February 10, 2021” on additional measures to strengthen the personal responsibility of heads of Public Administration bodies and local executive authorities in the effective organization of the implementation of legislative acts", " acts and assignments of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan for effective and consequential execution, as well as strengthening, On the personal responsibility of the Cabinet of ministers and its complexes, the authorities of state and economic administration and the heads of municipalities of all levels” PQ-2881 of April 11, 2017 and “ decisions of PQ-5132 of May 31, 2021” on additional measures aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of the interdepartmental unified electronic system of executive discipline", as well as, It is responsible for ensuring unconditional compliance with the executive discipline in accordance with the Cabinet Resolution No. 12 of January 12, 1999 “on measures to strengthen the executive discipline”.
At the apparatus of the district municipality, one day a month discusses the state of executive discipline.
11.Constantly engaged in issues of training and training of personnel in the attached areas, makes proposals for candidates for leadership positions in organizations entering the complex.
V. Organization of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district
12. The works of the first deputy governor of the district are organized according to the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on local state government”, the decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as according to this regulation, on the basis of quarterly and semi-annual work plans of the district governor.
On the basis of these work plans, monthly personal work plans of the first deputy mayor of the district are developed and approved by the district governor.
13. The report of the first deputy governor of the district is heard Weekly at the rapid meetings of the district governor.
According to the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on local state government”, the relevant reports of the first deputy mayor of the district are heard at the meeting of the Council of people's Deputies of the district.
14. Assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district and the achievement of targeted tasks, hearing reports on them and taking appropriate measures is carried out in accordance with the regulation on the procedure for developing, monitoring and evaluating the most important performance indicators of the activities of deputy heads of local executive authorities.
15. The provision of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district is carried out by the chief specialist.
Territorial divisions of state bodies and organizations whose activities are coordinated by the first deputy governor of the district
1. District Department of Economics and finance.
2. The district is a division of poverty reduction and employment assistance.
3. The district is a Treasury Division.
4. The district is a division of the extra-budgetary pension fund.
5. District state tax inspectorate.
6. The District Statistics Department.
7. District White Post communication link
8. District branch of the Republican “Craftsman” Association of people's Masters, craftsmen and musicians.
9. District branches of all commercial banks with a state share.
10. District branches of other commercial banks – on issues of ensuring the stability of the banking system, reforming, servicing foreign loans and debts.
11. On issues of implementation of economic reforms – district divisions of ministries and departments, economic associations, enterprises and other organizations.
District divisions of organizations whose cooperation is ensured by the first deputy mayor of the district
1. The district is an entrepreneurship support center.
2. District Department of the Federation of consumer protection societies of Uzbekistan.
3. Limited liability company " Pearl Market”
4. Oktosh dehkanabad peasant market limited liability company.
Болиев Анвар Бегимович
Lavozimi: First deputy mayor of the district for Finance-Economy and poverty reduction
Qabul kunlari:Seshanba soat 14.00 dan 17.00 gacha
Telefon raqami:+998-93-337-66-11
Boliyev Anvar Begimovich 1979-yil 16-iyulda Samarqand viloyati Ishtixon tumanida tug‘ilgan. Maʼlumoti - oliy, 2006-yil Samarqand davlat universiteti, 2020-yil O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi davlat boshqaruvi akademiyasini tamomlagan.
2002-2002 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand shahar bo‘linma sug‘urta agenti
2002-2003 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand shahar bo‘linma EXM operatori
2003-2003 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand shahar bo‘linma sug‘urta agenti
2003-2005 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi xo‘jalik ishlari bo‘yicha ish yurituvchisi
2005-2006 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi Umumiy sug‘urta bulimi yetakchi anderrayteri
2006-2010 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi “Maroqand” sug‘urta agentlik sho‘ba korhonasi boshqaruvchi menejeri
2010-2013 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi (ochiq aksiyadorlik jamiyati) Samarqand shahar bo‘linmasi boshqaruvchi menejeri
2013-2014 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi (ochiq aksiyadorlik jamiyati ) Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi direktor o‘rinbosari Umumiy sug‘urta bo‘limi menejeri
2014-2015 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” davlat aksiyadorlik sug‘urta kompaniyasi (aksiyadorlik jamiyati ) Samarqand viloyat direksiyasi direktor o‘rinbosari Umumiy sug‘urta bo‘limi menejeri
2015-2017 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” aksiyadorlik jamiyati Samarqand viloyat filiali boshqaruvchisi o‘rinbosari - Umumiy sug‘urta bo‘limi menejeri
2017-2022 yy. - “O‘zagrosug‘urta” aksiyadorlik jamiyati Samarqand viloyat filiali boshqaruvchisi
2022 y - h.v. - Narpay tuman hokimining moliya-iqtisodiyot va kambag‘allikni qisqartirish masalalari bo‘yicha birinchi o‘rinbosari
On the functional duties of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction, as well as the most important indicators of efficiency in his activities
I. General rules
1. In accordance with the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on local state government”, documents of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as other regulatory legal acts, the first deputy of the district governor for financial and economic and poverty reduction issues - the head of the Department of economic development and poverty reduction of the district (at the next – the first deputy of the district governor)determines the most important indicators of efficiency in his duties, functions, rights, personal responsibility, authority and responsibility and activities.
2. In its activities, the first deputy governor of the district is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, documents of the president and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the regional governor, decisions and orders of the district governor, as well as by this charter.
3. The first deputy governor of the district is personally responsible to the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and accountable to the relevant council of people's deputies for the effectiveness and consequentiality of its activities in the industries and industries attached to him, the organization of the full and high-quality implementation of the documents and tasks of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and
4. The first deputy district governor is subordinate to the district governor.
The deputy governor of the district is coordinated by the corresponding Deputy Governor of the region, whose activities in solving the tasks related to the development of territories in the network and areas attached to him.
5. The effectiveness of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district is assessed on the basis of the most important performance indicators in accordance with the appendix to this regulation.
6. The first deputy mayor of the district cannot engage in any other type of activity paid in addition to scientific and pedagogical activity.
II. The main tasks and functions of the first deputy mayor of the district
7. The following are the main functions of the first deputy mayor of the district:
- ensuring the complex economic and social development of Regions;
- development of family entrepreneurship in the regions;
- ensure that the territory achieves the established basic macroeconomic indicators;
- coordination of the work of relevant ministries, departments and district branches of commercial banks on economic and entrepreneurial issues;
-ensuring strict adherence to tax-budget policies, strengthening the income base of local budgets, taking measures to reduce the “khufiyona economy;
- assistance to privatized enterprises, ensuring the effective use of vacant and unfinished facilities in the territory;
- development of measures for the rational placement of production and labor resources;
- development of small business and private entrepreneurship;
- collection of receipts to the Republican budget from the beginning of the Year, collection of receipts to the local budget;
- transfer of funds to the initiative budget fund;
- allocation of funds to the youth notebook;
- Allocation of funds for the purposes specified in the "women's notebook";
- employment of unemployed residents;
- increase the effectiveness of the activities of deputy governors;
-Work and maintain with the unified electronic system” e-decision", electronic systems for obtaining a government subsidy on a mortgage loan;
- increase the standard and quality of life of the population and strengthen their solvency.
8. The first deputy mayor of the district carries out the following functions in order to carry out the tasks assigned to him:
a) in the field of ensuring the complex economic and social development of Regions:
In accordance with the most important priorities of the economic, social and entrepreneurial sphere, established in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the documents of the president and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, organizes and ensures the preparation of concepts, projects of state programs, programs for the complex development of the territory and “road maps;
it takes measures to ensure the implementation of targeted programs developed and approved on a Republican scale;
deepening economic reforms ensures the development and unconditional implementation of the territory's economy and social sphere in a way that is inextricably linked with the parameters of the local budget, identifying the financial resources of the programs of comprehensive development;
to ensure the socio-economic development of the territory, the relevant ministry develops specific indicators and target indicators of the activities of the district branches of the office and commercial banks, evaluates the results and takes measures to improve them, and coordinates and monitors the activities of its leaders;
by ensuring sustainable economic growth rates, improving the entrepreneurial environment, the country will introduce a system of implementation of acceptable policies on poverty reduction;
it takes measures to carry out the modernization, structural modification and diversification of production for the production of competitive products;
studies and analyzes manufactured products, price conjuncture, develops and implements complex measures to master new types of products and ensure that they are sold in new markets;
b) in the field of development of family entrepreneurship in the regions:
carries out complex activities for the development of family entrepreneurship in the territory;
identify “growth points”(areas of specialization) of neighborhoods and assist initiators in the implementation of new entrepreneurship, including drive projects, thereby ensuring economic growth;
” household " studies the sources of income of families, including the use of land and the aspirations and needs of profitable labor;
by studying the problems of the unoccupied population, especially unemployed young people and women, they are guided by vocational and entrepreneurial training courses and practical assistance in dealing with labor activities;
assistance in the allocation of loans aimed at further supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, startup projects and ideas of young people;
measures to improve the entrepreneurial, investment and competitive environment in places through the study and effective use of existing opportunities (vacant buildings, unused land areas, noruda minerals and traditional areas of employment) ;
based on the principles of efficiency and profitability of banks, it carries out comprehensive measures to improve the system of customer-oriented service (“customer service” work) by providing quality services to entrepreneurs, advising and completely retraining the employees of the lower branch of the bank for the preparation of business plans;
quickly solve problems that are becoming an obstacle to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in places (allowing for construction, obtaining licenses for various activities, separating empty premises and land areas for entrepreneurship, connecting to communication systems) ;
coordinates the activities of management offices and Permanent Representatives, which are organized under the leadership of sector leaders under each sector in order to improve the entrepreneurial, investment and competitive environment in the neighborhoods and implement “driver” projects;
C) in the field of ensuring that Territories achieve the specified basic macroeconomic indicators:
ensures the development of macroeconomic indicators of the territory, including gross regional product, industry, investment, service, retail turnover, export, inflation, employment, based on the annual forecast parameters of the local budget; organizes the effective implementation of the developed macroeconomic indicators;
the debtor-creditor carries out systematic work to prevent the occurrence of debts, introduces effective ways to eliminate debt;
g) in the field of coordination of work activities of relevant ministries, departments and district branches of commercial banks on economic and entrepreneurial issues:
constantly monitors and analyzes the activities of district branches of relevant ministries, departments and commercial banks, determines the appropriate measures to improve the effectiveness of their activities and takes measures to ensure their implementation;
it coordinates the implementation of measures to further reform the banking system and financial infrastructure, increase their stability in accordance with generally accepted international norms, standards and assessment indicators and ensure a higher level;
in order to actively involve the population in entrepreneurship, it takes measures to develop and unconditionally implement preferential lending programs by offering complex banking and financial services to each household in order to establish a systematic dialogue between them and the district branches of commercial banks;
it provides a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of software measures aimed at expanding the volumes, types and improving the quality of financial and insurance services;
d) to ensure strict adherence to tax-budgetary policies, to strengthen the income base of local budgets, to take measures to reduce the "foreign economy"
in the field of:
provides for the implementation of forecast indicators for the Republican budget and tax revenues set for the local budget by district;
measures to increase budget revenues by reducing the”foreign economy", legalizing citizens engaged in illegal entrepreneurship, as well as informal employment in the private sector;
the development of directions for increasing budget revenues, based on the natural-geographical, socio-economic characteristics of the territory, takes measures to look for sources of additional revenue to the budget;
organizes and coordinates the process of development and execution of the relevant budget project;
ensures that projects of the local budget of the district are submitted to the councils of people's deputies for consideration and adoption, respectively;
Revenues to the state budget and budgets of State target funds will fall completely and on time, forming control over the targeted expenditure of budget funds;
to the rates set by the individual taxes established by the legislation
prepares decisions and takes measures to make on the introduction of reducing and increasing coefficients, taking into account the features of the place of activity of the regions;
y) in the field of assistance to privatized enterprises, ensuring the effective use of vacant and unfinished facilities in the territory:
develops proposals for the implementation of investment projects on the condition of correspondence of vacant and unfinished objects in the territory, their effective use, obtaining investment and social obligations;
prepares proposals in the field of improving the efficiency of the management of privatization processes, monitoring the implementation of investment and social obligations adopted by investors, including foreign investors, and assisting privatized enterprises;
provides for the introduction of modern methods of corporate governance in enterprises with state participation in the territory, increasing the responsibility of their management bodies for the effectiveness of the activities of these enterprises;
together with foreign and international institutions and companies, the state ensures continuous work aimed at preparing enterprises for privatization, including the study and implementation of their effective mechanisms, which imply an increase in attractiveness and the quality of management;
coordinates the work of gradual reduction of the state share in the authorized capital of state-owned enterprises located on the territory, provides effective and transparent privatization;
j) in the field of development of measures for rational placement of production and labor resources:
the organization of new jobs in the territory, ensuring the development of a territorial program to increase employment, forms programs to further increase the level of quality and well-being of the population, and also takes measures to strengthen labor protection and employee labor rights protection systems;
coordinates the work of local executive authorities on the formation of territorial programs for ensuring employment of the population, aimed at introducing advanced forms of employment, taking into account demographic factors and prospects for the development of the economy, on the development of targeted programs and effective measures for social support of pensioners, disabled persons and other socially disadvantaged groups of the population;
targeted programs aimed at strengthening the system of social protection of employment, labor and population, improving the mechanisms of material incentives and legislation in the field of improving labor protection conditions, adopted laws, decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, control the implementation of decisions of the president and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
z) in the field of development and support of small business and private entrepreneurship:
develops and implements programs for the formation of a favorable business environment, the establishment of new enterprises, including small business and private entrepreneurial enterprises, the restoration of the activities of non-working enterprises;
it takes measures to protect the rights of small business and private business entities and to ensure guarantees of the freedom of their activities;
in order for small business and private business entities to conduct business, they establish measures to provide them with the appropriate resources, take their bank loans, connect to energy networks and other similar problems, and maintain constant control over their implementation;
measures to improve the system of Organization of retail and wholesale trade, the service sector, provide the population with consumer goods and services;
together with business entities on the basis of public-private partnerships, it takes measures to solve economic, social and infrastructural tasks;
organizes information and explanatory work among business entities by publishing materials on the effectiveness of measures taken to support entrepreneurship in the media;
i) in the field of improving the standard and quality of life of the population and strengthening their solvency:
provides for the consideration of Appeals of individuals and legal entities in the prescribed manner, determines the appropriate measures for the solution of the problems noted in them;
benefits, take measures to create sources of sustainable growth of real incomes of the population;
it will introduce a new mechanism and system for the timely implementation of payments due to the creation of modern banking and financial infrastructure;
it takes measures to improve their standard of living and quality by creating new jobs and solving the issues of employment of different segments of the population.
k) in the direction of digitization:
development and timely implementation of departmental digital transformation programs that provide for the widespread introduction of Information Systems and resources;
creating the necessary conditions for further expansion of the provision of electronic public services through mobile devices and other forms of electronic cooperation;
to ensure the openness and transparency of the activities of the agencies, to take measures to place open information and other information on the internet network;
the agency takes measures to ensure the information security of digital infrastructure, as well as the protection of electronic data and documents.
Also, the first deputy mayor of the district provides the following additional functions
The law of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for effective control over the implementation of the acts and assignments of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the government;
analyzes the effectiveness of the work carried out on the provision of reforms in the economic and entrepreneurial directions, provides a systematic basis for the preparation of analytical materials on their results and their discussion at the meetings of the authorities;
effective use of vacant and unfinished facilities in the territory, taking measures to gradually reduce the state share in the authorized capital of enterprises with state participation, with extensive investment in them;
for the effective and consequential performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the first deputy mayor of the district, he takes measures to increase their personal responsibility and responsibility, and evaluates their activities at the end of the year;
effectively leads the relevant commissions (councils, groups), organizes the activities of commissions (councils) and provides control over the implementation of their decisions;
performs other functions assigned to them in the prescribed manner.
III. Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction:
In his activities, the Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction told the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan”on local state power " and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the House of Assembly of Uzbekistan, decrees, decrees and orders of the, people's deputies follow the documents of the District Council and the district governor.
The Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction carries out his activities under the leadership of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction.
The Chief Specialist of the first deputy of the district governor on issues of Finance and economy and poverty reduction carries out the following functions in order to carry out the tasks assigned to him:
ensures strict adherence to state principles when considering projects of submitted proposals and documents, organizes their development in expert terms and prepared puts a visa on draft documents. Provides systematic control over their implementation after the adoption of relevant documents;
develops and enters into the approval of the draft half-year work plan of the division;
it works on its relevant areas, organizes the nomenclature of affairs, studies, summarizes and organizes the withdrawal of documents directed from higher organizations from the district authorities by industry, orders and applications and Complaints sent to the deputy;
Summarizing the critical opinions and opinions expressed in the field at the sessions of the District Council of people's deputies and meetings of district activists, the municipality prepares decisions, meeting statements and draft measures for inclusion in the meeting;
conducts monitoring of the implementation of the tasks set out in the decisions of the district governor, orders, meetings of the District Municipality and regularly provides information to the first deputy;
the district governor or his deputy attends meetings, including weekly apparatus meetings and meetings of commissions, other meetings held on matters within the field of proceedings;
the district organizes meetings led by the first deputy mayor.
IV. Rights and responsibility of the first deputy mayor of the district
9. The first deputy mayor of the district has the following rights to carry out the duties and functions assigned to him:
Organization of development, implementation of decisions, programs and “road maps”for the complex development of the territory in the field of economic, social and entrepreneurship;
development of macroeconomic indicators of the territory, including the annual forecast parameters of the local budget, constant analysis of its implementation, quick measures to solve existing problems;
continuous control and analysis of the activities of the district branches of relevant ministries, departments and commercial banks on economic and entrepreneurial issues;
to discuss the reports of ministries, departments and commercial banks on the effectiveness of the work carried out on the development of economic and social and entrepreneurship of the district, branches of the district;
Coordination of the activities of the relevant departments in the implementation of control over the full and timely fall of revenues to the state budget and budgets of State target funds, the targeted expenditure of budgetary funds;
to take the necessary measures to form a favorable business environment, protect the rights of small business and private business entities and ensure guarantees of freedom of their activities;
to establish and control the implementation of measures to provide small businesses and private business entities with the appropriate resources for their business, to obtain bank loans in the manner prescribed for their start-up, to connect to electricity networks and solve other similar problems.
10.The first deputy governor of the district is personally responsible for the appropriate and effective implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to them in paragraphs 8 and 9 of this regulation.
First Deputy District Governor of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Decree No. 6166 of February 10, 2021” on additional measures to strengthen the personal responsibility of heads of Public Administration bodies and local executive authorities in the effective organization of the implementation of legislative acts", " acts and assignments of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan for effective and consequential execution, as well as strengthening, On the personal responsibility of the Cabinet of ministers and its complexes, the authorities of state and economic administration and the heads of municipalities of all levels” PQ-2881 of April 11, 2017 and “ decisions of PQ-5132 of May 31, 2021” on additional measures aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of the interdepartmental unified electronic system of executive discipline", as well as, It is responsible for ensuring unconditional compliance with the executive discipline in accordance with the Cabinet Resolution No. 12 of January 12, 1999 “on measures to strengthen the executive discipline”.
At the apparatus of the district municipality, one day a month discusses the state of executive discipline.
11.Constantly engaged in issues of training and training of personnel in the attached areas, makes proposals for candidates for leadership positions in organizations entering the complex.
V. Organization of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district
12. The works of the first deputy governor of the district are organized according to the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on local state government”, the decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as according to this regulation, on the basis of quarterly and semi-annual work plans of the district governor.
On the basis of these work plans, monthly personal work plans of the first deputy mayor of the district are developed and approved by the district governor.
13. The report of the first deputy governor of the district is heard Weekly at the rapid meetings of the district governor.
According to the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on local state government”, the relevant reports of the first deputy mayor of the district are heard at the meeting of the Council of people's Deputies of the district.
14. Assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district and the achievement of targeted tasks, hearing reports on them and taking appropriate measures is carried out in accordance with the regulation on the procedure for developing, monitoring and evaluating the most important performance indicators of the activities of deputy heads of local executive authorities.
15. The provision of the activities of the first deputy mayor of the district is carried out by the chief specialist.
Territorial divisions of state bodies and organizations whose activities are coordinated by the first deputy governor of the district
1. District Department of Economics and finance.
2. The district is a division of poverty reduction and employment assistance.
3. The district is a Treasury Division.
4. The district is a division of the extra-budgetary pension fund.
5. District state tax inspectorate.
6. The District Statistics Department.
7. District White Post communication link
8. District branch of the Republican “Craftsman” Association of people's Masters, craftsmen and musicians.
9. District branches of all commercial banks with a state share.
10. District branches of other commercial banks – on issues of ensuring the stability of the banking system, reforming, servicing foreign loans and debts.
11. On issues of implementation of economic reforms – district divisions of ministries and departments, economic associations, enterprises and other organizations.
District divisions of organizations whose cooperation is ensured by the first deputy mayor of the district
1. The district is an entrepreneurship support center.
2. District Department of the Federation of consumer protection societies of Uzbekistan.
3. Limited liability company " Pearl Market”
4. Oktosh dehkanabad peasant market limited liability company.